by Steve Willingham | Nov 22, 2022 | 3D Printing, AMRoC, Education, Entrepreneurship, Esports, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Programming, Robotics, STEM
It’s amazing we’re at the end of the year already, and hard to believe we’ve only been in our new space less than four months. With a year that included a massive move in the middle of it, AMRoC Fab Lab never let up on programming and went full STEAM...
by Steve Willingham | Sep 5, 2021 | 3D Printing, Active Gaming, AMRoC, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Esports, Fab Lab, Manufacturing, Programming, Projects, Resources, Robotics, STEM, Volunteer
September is Hispanic Heritage Month and we’ll be showcasing the local and national stories of Hispanic innovators and change agents all month long. We’ve also got some amazing new community partners, resources and programs on the calendar, including...
by Steve Willingham | May 3, 2021 | 3D Printing, Active Gaming, AMRoC, Art, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Fab Lab, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Programming, Projects, Robotics, STEM, TechSports
May is National Inventors Month and AMRoC Fab Lab is celebrating by hosting a Taste of MakerCon. While the time isn’t quite right yet for a full blown maker festival, we’re stretching the fun out for a full Month of Making at AMRoC Fab Lab. Each week in...
by Steve Willingham | Dec 1, 2020 | 3D Printing, AMRoC, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Events, Fab Lab, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Manufacturing, Robotics, STEM, Training
We’ve got a short month but a busy one in December! We’re closed December 20th through January 4th for an extended holiday, but there’s plenty to see, do and enjoy between now and then, and lots coming up in January! Celebrate our Equity in...
by Steve Willingham | May 21, 2020 | 3D Printing, AMRoC, Fab Lab, Manufacturing, Projects, Resources, STEM, Training, Volunteer
When COVID-19 became an undeniable reality in mid-March, there was a visible ripple in the fabric of our collective sense of “normal”. Individually, the coronavirus meant different things for different people and businesses. For AMRoC Fab Lab, that meant...
by Steve Willingham | May 7, 2020 | 3D Printing, AMRoC, Education, Events, Fab Lab, Foundation for Community Driven Innovation, Manufacturing, Programming, Projects, Robotics, STEM
Last weekend, we told you about our participation in a creative collaborative event called The Deconstruction. It was a fun and thoughtful diversion from the daily grind of social distance angst, and a great way to spend time with friends and associates to test our...