by Steve Willingham | Sep 5, 2021 | 3D Printing, Active Gaming, AMRoC, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Esports, Fab Lab, Manufacturing, Programming, Projects, Resources, Robotics, STEM, Volunteer
September is Hispanic Heritage Month and we’ll be showcasing the local and national stories of Hispanic innovators and change agents all month long. We’ve also got some amazing new community partners, resources and programs on the calendar, including...
by Steve Willingham | May 3, 2021 | 3D Printing, Active Gaming, AMRoC, Art, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Fab Lab, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Programming, Projects, Robotics, STEM, TechSports
May is National Inventors Month and AMRoC Fab Lab is celebrating by hosting a Taste of MakerCon. While the time isn’t quite right yet for a full blown maker festival, we’re stretching the fun out for a full Month of Making at AMRoC Fab Lab. Each week in...
by Steve Willingham | Feb 1, 2021 | AMRoC, Art, Automotive, Competition, Education, Events, Fab Lab, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Foundation for Community Driven Innovation, Manufacturing, Professional Development, Programming, Projects, Resources, Robotics, STEM, Training, Volunteer
February is Black History Month and we’re celebrating at AMRoC Fab Lab all month long, starting with our virtual First Friday at the Fab Lab on Friday, February 5, at 6pm, with guest speaker, Dr. Sylvia Thomas. of the University of South Florida, and a Black...
by Steve Willingham | Jan 7, 2021 | AMRoC, Automotive, Education, Entrepreneurship, Fab Lab, Foundation for Community Driven Innovation, Programming, Projects, Resources, Robotics, STEM, Training, Volunteer
It’s a brand new year with brand new opportunities to learn and succeed at AMRoC Fab Lab! January is also National Mentoring Month and all month long we’ll be celebrating the many amazing mentors who make so many of our programs and projects possible....
by Steve Willingham | Dec 31, 2020 | AMRoC, Automotive, Awards, Competition, Education, Entrepreneurship, Fab Lab, Foundation for Community Driven Innovation, Professional Development, Programming, Projects, Robotics, STEM, Training
Like the rest of the world, we’re looking forward to putting 2020 behind us for all the obvious reasons. But we’d be remiss to not express our immense gratitude to all our amazing community partners who shared so generously of their time, expertise and...
by Steve Willingham | Dec 1, 2020 | 3D Printing, AMRoC, Automotive, Competition, Education, Electronics, Entrepreneurship, Events, Fab Lab, First Friday at the Fab Lab, Manufacturing, Robotics, STEM, Training
We’ve got a short month but a busy one in December! We’re closed December 20th through January 4th for an extended holiday, but there’s plenty to see, do and enjoy between now and then, and lots coming up in January! Celebrate our Equity in...